Welcome to the De La Salle Lipa. Please complete the form for your application:




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Personal Information

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Educational Background
In LRN, Input 0 if not applicable

Last School attended


  School Name Address Program/Strand Year of Graduation GWA Award/Honors Last Grade/Level Attended Private  
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SHS is required if your are applying for undergraduate degree.
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Applicant Photo
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Attach latest 2 x 2 ID Photo in formal attire with plain white background with full name displayed.
Please see sample below

Image preview only works in IE10+, FF3.6+, Safari6.0+, Chrome6.0+, Opera11.1+ and FireFox6.0+.
In older browsers the filename is shown instead.
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Family Information
Sibling Information

Please input the following siblings: Only Siblings who are not currently attending this school and sibling also applying for this school.

  Full Name Date of Birth Age Gender Grade Level School Attended
Contact Person In case of Emergency
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Other Information

How Did You Know About De La Salle Lipa?

Spouse (for married applicant)
Alumni or current students
Campus Tours/Exhibit
School Counselor
Social Media
Email Correspondence
Career Talk/School Fair
Phone Call
Official Website
Online Advertisements
Public Events, Expo, Exhibits, Conventions
Personnel (Faculty, Admissions Center, etc.)
Colleague or Co-worker (for working applicants)
Health Disclosure and Consent Form

The Institutional Admission and Testing Office (IATO) hereby recognizes that the sensitive health information in this application are confidential. IATO an institutional unit of De La Salle Lipa (DLSL) is committed to protect the privacy of this information as required by the Data Privacy Act of 2012. In connection to this commitment, IATO shall secure the applicant’s consent before we process any sensitive information and has clearly established measures for protection and safekeeping.

Voluntarily give your consent to the disclosure and processing of your sensitive information for purposes of assessment and classification for your application. Necessary information will be shared to legitimate offices under Guidance Office, Assistant Principal’s Office, Dean’s Office (thru Department Chair’s Office), Institutional Health Services Office (Clinic) and other institutional office with legitimate interests in the applicants health and special educational needs.

By signifying your agreement to this Health Disclosure Form you hereby authorized all schools previously attended by your child to release any information or records requested by the offices concerned through the Institutional Admission and Testing Office (IATO) in relation to this application. You are fully aware that all information will be used for the processing of your application in DLSL. All information provided in this form will be held and treated with confidentiality and will only be used for the purpose for which it was given

By signifying your agreement to this form, you are certifying that all information voluntarily provided are true and correct and likewise authorizing DLSL to process your information. Your personal data will be saved in a secure file for a period of one year.

De La Salle Lipa (DLSL) intends to provide educational opportunities for diversity-gifted learners (in the Integrated School, College, College of Law and Graduate School) including applicants with special education needs. The admission or non- admission of applicants with Special Educational Needs (SSEN) in DLSL is based on the merits of their application and the capacity of the institution to provide service for their condition. Click one of the boxes below that applies to you.

Failure to disclose any health condition or you are a Student with Special Educational Needs (SSEN), your enrollment will undergo automatic review or subjected to eventual cancellation if the Board of Admissions (Guidance Office, School Clinic) or the Institution cannot provide the necessary facility and expert intervention. However, if the health and special condition will appear only during the stay or after the enrollment of the applicant this will be subject for review by the offices with interest to special education or health conditions

Click one of the boxes below that applies to you
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Please upload the documents required below

  • File format in JPEG(.jpg), PNG & PDF are the only acceptable file for upload.
  • Maximum of 1mb file size per upload.
# Document Name Attachment Upload Remarks
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Entrance Exam Preferred Date.

Please select preferred dates for entrance exam. Choose 3 schedules, the confirmed schedule of your exam will notify thru email upon approval of your application.

Please choose from the following options:
A. homebased: Please ensure the following requirements are met:
     1.) Stable and strong internet connections
     2.) Two gadgets:one for taking the exam, another for ZOOM display
B. Onsite (dlsl campus)
C. Accredited internet cafe

# Batch Name Date Time Testing Center Examination Type Select
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Profile Review

Review Information

Please, Review and Read Carefully Before Submitting.

By clicking the box,

The Institutional Admission and Testing Office (IATO) hereby recognizes that the personal information in this application are confidential. IATO an institutional unit of De La Salle Lipa (DLSL) is committed to protect the privacy of this information as required by the Data Privacy Act of 2012. In connection to this commitment, IATO shall secure the applicant’s consent before we process any personal and sensitive information and has clearly established measures for protection and safekeeping. All applications and documents that are no longer active will be properly disposed after a year from the date of application. Known to me and voluntarily give my consent to the disclosure and processing of my personal and sensitive information including but not limited to (placement and assessment test results, disciplinary records and special need, psycho-emotional condition and physical disability) contained in this application form to the Institutional Admission and Testing Office (IATO) for purposes of assessment and classification for my application. Necessary information will be shared to legitimate office under research, registrar, scholarship office, guidance office and other institutional office with legitimate educational interests.

I also authorize all schools previously attended to release any information or records requested by the Institutional Admission and Testing Office (IATO) in relation to this application. I am fully aware that all information will be used for the processing of my application

In the event of inconsistencies of my application details encoded against the official documents (ex. Birth Certificate, Report Card, Passport) submitted, I authorize DLSL to correct and edit my online application/student information.

Reminder: Please check your registered email regularly for updates.

Thank you!

Your online application was successfully submitted.
Kindly monitor your email for notifications regarding the status and updates on your admission application.

Your Pooling number is

Please take note of your pooling number.

Click here to print your application. Print

Note: System sent an email of your info of your application to your registered e-mail address
Please check your inbox and spam/junk folder for email.

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